Saturday, May 4, 2013

Summer, 2012. I had to make post-it notes that said the word scanned on them, and I ended up getting a bit creative. 

Marker on post it note, photographed. 
A stop-motion animation I did, summer of 2012.

Pictures taken with a digital camera, put together in Windows Live Movie Maker.

Two graphite studies, one of my eye, one of my stuffed animal's head.

Graphite on paper, scanned.

More examples of my calligraphy.

First example: Insular Majuscule.
Second example: Copperplate.

Ink on paper, photographed (top) and scanned (bottom).
Mirror writing calligraphy, written from right to left.

Insular minuscule; ink on paper, photographed.

Juxtaposed with a book:

Song lyrics calligraphy.
Song one: Strange and Beautiful by Aqualung.
Song two: Skyfall by Adele.

Copperplate and Spencerian calligraphy, ink on paper, photographed.


A comic I did during summer of 2012. (Heavily inspired by the job I had.)

Graphite on tracing paper, scanned.
A comic I did in junior year of high school, 3 years ago.

Ink on tracing paper, scanned.

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